
Initial design

A project log for Dogbot

A quadrupedal walking robot

charles-galambosCharles Galambos 07/21/2017 at 15:240 Comments

DogBot was originally going to be a hexapod, but that would have meant the increased costs of 50% more motors and electronics, in exchange for the extra functionality.  Given DogBot is supposed to represent an affordable end-to-end solution, a quadruped was chosen.

The scale of the robot is such that it can move around human-scale environments autonomously: specifically the field at EMF camp to start with.   Originally the aim was to get something working for EMF camp 2016, so the project overran slightly!

The legs were designed so that there is a position where the dogbot can stand at full height without the motors exerting any torque. This would have been harder to do with original hexapod design.

The project is also intended to be a learning exercise in all manner of robotics, including mechanical engineering, the capabilities of 3D printers, and custom electronic design.
