

A project log for Anti-Papparazzi Hat

A wearable optical surveillance detector

tomas-holmqvistTomas Holmqvist 08/25/2014 at 19:080 Comments

I've just added an initial rendering of what's on my breadboard for the moment (omitting all unused components :-).

Component values are to be decided. Right now the PLL takes about 30 sec to get into lock, a little to long time for my taste. I assume the rotational speed of the scan head will vary when carried around mounted on a hat. So the PLL probably needs to be a little more agile. I'm also not sure if I drew the feedback filter the same way as it is connected...

There is also a first draft of layout and routing of a board. I've not yet decided if this will be a custom board or just built on some veroboard, so I've tried to keep most connections "in line".


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