
#4 - A quick word on 3D printing

A project log for Game-o-Tron Mini

A roughly credit card sized gaming handheld

david-boucherDavid Boucher 08/03/2017 at 19:350 Comments

I thought I would briefly cover how I am making the 3D printed parts for this project.

I'm using OpenSCAD ( to design the parts. This allows me basically design by programming (going with what I know here). To give you an example, this is a very simple OpenSCAD program to create a 5mm cube with a 2mm diameter hole through it:

$fn = 100;
difference() {
	translate([-2.5, -2.5, 0])
		cube([5, 5, 5]);
	cylinder(r = 1, h = 5);

Which produces this:

Once I have a model to print, I export it from OpenSCAD as a .stl file and load it into Cura ( for slicing. I used to use Slic3r ( but I find I get slightly better results with Cura. This gives me a .gcode file that I can transfer to the printer by SD card.

The printer itself is a BQ Hephestos (, Prusa i3 variant that I've modified to replace the Z axis threaded rods with lead screws.

I will be making the OpenSCAD files available for download under some sort of free licence when I've finished the project.
