
The Three Step Road Map

A project log for The Global Seer

A project aimed at developing a reconfigurable sea-based relay network for ADS-B out signal for aircraft tracking over the oceans.

poh-hou-shunPoh Hou Shun 08/20/2014 at 18:540 Comments

After giving it literately a few minutes thought, given the scale of the build it will probably be useful to set up some incremental/intermediate build goals that will lead to the final build. Conceivably, in this way, various sections can be tested individually and much needed experience in dealing with each subsystem can be gained. With that, here is the three step road map/build goals - 

1. Build a solar powered land based ADSB receiver station. The receiver station should be completely off the power grid and have GPS capability. ADSB information received will be shared on firstly via wifi then 3G/4G network. I will list the component needed (or rather what I have) in the component list.

2. Build a solar powered sea based ADSB receiver station on board of a floating bouy near the coast. This will add on to the previous build and is where the satellite/shortwave communication comes in. Hope I can pick up some skill in making 'marine-grade' fiberglass hull here.

3. The final goal, build the Global Seer Platform. By this stage all the ADSB components should be fairly well understood. The main task will be to build the autonomous ocean-faring platform.  


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