

Built an autonomous ground vehicle from a recycled wheelchair. Designed to traverse outdoor environments autonomously. ROS based.

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As a personal project, I have built an autonomous ground vehicle from a used wheelchair chassis (recycled motors and steel frame, repainted). The vehicle (50kg) traverses outdoor environments (e.g. fields) autonomously. It features an on-board Linux computer running the ROS framework. It uses a SLAM algorithm for localisation and mapping.

My goal to make it adaptable and expansible. It has been a continuously ongoing project since aged 14 (2012), three major iterations of the robot have been built since. Version 3 was submitted as my High School major project for electronics. (V3 constructed over a 1 year period).

It is a test-bed for running robotics related experiments. I hope to use it in research projects at a later stage (I am currently an undergraduate student).

Hardware on-board includes: a dual-core mini-ITX computer, a RP-LIDAR 2D LIDAR, a Kinect sensor, a 9DOF IMU, GPS, wheel encoders, Sabertooth 2x25A motor drivers, 6S Li-Po battery, OpenUPS and an LCD interface.


15,000 word folio documentation for the robot, submitted for my High School major Electronics project.

Adobe Portable Document Format - 7.59 MB - 07/26/2017 at 12:07


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