
Laser cut sides

A project log for Original Prusa i3 MK2 MM Enclosure

I wanted an enclosure for my Prusa i3 to help me print with ABS and ASA filament

tim-wilkinsonTim Wilkinson 07/27/2017 at 05:490 Comments

There are many ways to build an enclosure, but I decided I wanted to build something as transparent as possible. To that end I chose to make it out of acrylic. Unfortunately the pieces were larger than I could cut on my home K40 laser-cutter, so I had the pieces cut by Pololu ($140 for material, time, and shipping). I used 1.5mm thick acrylic to keep the structure light and cheap.

The pieces are designed to be glue together using 3d printed corner blocks and other supporting pieces. For access, the top and front are removable, held in place using magnets.
