
Minecraft in Super Mario Maker™, as a Modification

This modification remakes Minecraft, as a theme in Super Mario Maker™

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That's right. Minecraft, Mario? Two great games, now combined into Super Mario Maker™.

As it stands, this modification to the game replaces the Super Mario World™ theme with a recreation of Minecraft. It has all the normal blocks from Minecraft, like grass, dirt, and stone, and then there's more (Zombies)! In the coming update for the mod, there will be Creepers, Skeletons, Guardians, Endermen, all of the vanilla mobs in Minecraft, remade in Super Mario Maker™!

I've been working on this for something like 7 months now. in the video here: , I made a preview of the next release of my mod, which shows some of the stuff I am adding. I am taking feedback on my YouTube channel ( I recommend you subscribe, so you

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