
Update Summer 2018

A project log for Captain Underpants Toilet

Arduino controlled Toilet using wiper motors and wave shield, range finder. Eyes made out of ping pong balls with green LEDs

hamblinjoehamblin.joe 08/01/2018 at 00:460 Comments

I've updated it a lot. Getting it ready for the 4H County Fair. They have a decorating contest :D I've added a foot pedal so that small kids can step on it and trigger it. Last year I tried sonic ranger finder, major fail. Worked fine at home, indoors, outside anything and everything would trigger it. I added much louder speakers, and a new 7.5v regular that runs of 12v from battery (one of my design criteria is that everything run off the 12v battery, makes it portable, don't need to have power close by). Also totally reworked the lid lifting mechanism, the original worked about ~50% of the time, finally had a change the program so that the lid was open all the time. Now I use a CAM and its smooth and 100% reliable.  I have uploaded video's of each of the mods through out the winter.  I am very happy with the CAM solution, 100% reliable, simple, uses 3D printed parts.

 I will upload new video, of the toilet working with all the updates.  I need to do this final test before it's 8 day run.


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