
Struts 2 Project with the help of Tiles Framework

Simple Struts 2 Project with the help of Tiles Framework. It is one of the most important projects till date. There is so much modification

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Simple Struts 2 Project with the help of Tiles Framework. It is one of the most important projects till date. There is so much modification is being conducted on that project previously. It had some log in application and password application for login credential purposes. This is one of the simple login application. I have used the tiles framework for articulation the pages and their fragments.Suppose, we have to define a page with their length and breadth. So, we have to use their pixel value same and different as per requirement. Tiles allow you to define page fragments which can be assembled into a page at runtime.

Simple Struts 2 Project. It is a kind of simple login application that we are using for login purposes.This application had various kind of credential for login and password. One of the most biggest advantage of this project is that you can easily create that login application and generate some password for it.But, you have to set its dimension in length and width form.These dimension are important.With the help of these dimension we could easily solve our web application anomalies.

We have uploaded the zip file for Struts 2 Project.

x-zip-compressed - 22.68 kB - 08/05/2017 at 03:56


  • 1 × Struts 2
  • 1 × Java 1.8
  • 1 × pom.xml
  • 1 × travis.xml

  • Simple Struts 2 Project

    Al Pachino08/05/2017 at 04:02 0 comments

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <!DOCTYPE tiles-definitions PUBLIC
    "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Tiles Configuration 2.1//EN"
    <definition name="baseLayoutFtl" template="/tiles/layout.ftl">
    <put-attribute name="title" value="Template" cascade="true"/>
    <put-attribute name="header" value="/tiles/header.jsp"/>
    <put-attribute name="menu" value="/tiles/menu.jsp"/>
    <put-attribute name="body" value="/tiles/body.jsp"/>
    <put-attribute name="footer" value="/tiles/footer.ftl"/>
    <definition name="hello4" extends="baseLayoutFtl" templateType="freemarker">
    <put-attribute name="title" value="Hello 4" cascade="true"/>
    <put-attribute name="body" value="/example/HelloWorld.jsp"/>

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  • 1
    Java 1.8 Installation

    First you have to install Java 1.8 version on your computer.

  • 2

    Used various kind of tools such as Intellij IDE and Eclipse IDE 

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