
Base building

A project log for 3D Moving Machinery

A plotter, light CNC router, laser engraver with exchangeable head. Mostly 3D printed

sufSUF 08/09/2017 at 14:280 Comments

More than three month ago I had a conversation with my son. He told me that he want to build a "drawing machine" essentially a pen plotter together with me. I started to design one. After a few conversation he told me that he wanted to build it from Lego.

I was already too deep in the designing already, so I didn't want to stop. In addition I was planning to add exchangeable head to be able to use it as a light router and a laser cutter/engraver.

I think the design mainly finished:

I left out a few things from the design, like drag chain, screws, spacers, timing belts.

During the design process I already printed some of the parts:

As you can see, there are some assembled parts also on the picture, like the Y axis drive (round white thing in the center) and Z axis carriage (the green thing).

How the Y axis timing belt mount into the holder:

Lots of holes, the base plate:

X axis assembled:
