
Revision B Summary

A project log for Minimalist NAS Box

A compact laser-cut acrylic enclosure for a DIY network attached storage (NAS) server.

rogerRoger 08/31/2017 at 05:320 Comments

(The links embedded below are select entries from the full verbosity build blog.)

After building rev A and learning a lot about acrylic construction, I proceeded to start designing rev B. There were problems with rev A that I wanted to fix, and some additional objectives beyond that. I decided to give up trying to emulate the Apple PowerMac G4 cube and design a different airflow scheme. Some of the lessons aren't even part of the final product: I designed construction fixtures to make assembly easier.

When it was all assembled, I had a smaller and more compact enclosure for my FreeNAS box components. The components themselves are more accessible when I need to work on the hardware.

For the moment, revision B works well for the enclosure. It has been working well enough that I haven't had to worry about the hardware. It frees up time for learning the software side of running FreeNAS on my home network.
