Production PCBs are being fabricated. Should take about a week to finish and get delivered. While that's going on I've ordered all the necessary parts for a first assembly batch except for the PIC microcontroller. I believe it will take me too long to develop a robust programming sequence for the PIC on a pogo pin test bed so I've opted to have Microchip pre-program the PICs for me. As for assembly, I've had the #TinyFPGA A-Series and #TinyFPGA B-Series boards assembled in a factory, but I am planning on assembling the #TinyFPGA Programmer boards myself. They have very few parts and nothing tricky. This will help keep the final price of the boards low.
I have one more bug I'm aware of with transmitting USB data. At some point along the way of my optimizations the USB IN data started getting's always '0'. I'm going over the CDC code generated by MPLAB as well as the PIC16F1455 datasheet to understand what's going on. Once that's fixed I'll be able to order the pre-programmed PICs.
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