
Cute Drawing Robot - Servo and Android

Very very low cost drawing robot draw like what u draw in the Computer. Its movement are not traditional its very cute. Every one like it.

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I want to make a robo arm with less cost which draw cute pictures. That robot want to make my Daughter happy and it can able to dance. I saw a Cutest drawing robot in Kickstarter. I like it very much and want to make one such robot. So i go through my school life studies and check out trigonometry and Algebra to find out how it works and after several days i find the solution and check the result in calculation. Then i surprised i find the solution. So i want to build it with some cost (because all my previous projects are maxinum 90% from trash). Lets see how I develop it step by step. I am sure even i do it with out any special tools u with tools do it very easily

I want to make a robo arm with less cost which draw cute pictures. That robot want to make my Daughter happy and it can able to dance. I saw a Cutest drawing robot in Kickstarter. I like it very much and want to make one such robot. So i go through my school life studies and check out trigonometry and Algebra to find out how it works and after several days i find the solution and check the result in calculation. Then i surprised i find the solution. So i want to build it with some cost (because all my previous projects are maxinum 90% from trash). Lets see how I develop it step by step. I am sure even i do it with out any special tools u with tools do it very easily

1) Download the zip file and unzip it. 2) Change the Arduino connected comport name in the config,inf file. 3) Download and install .net frame work 4 or more. 4) Run the Application. After connected the arduino to the port. This program run only in windows.

x-zip-compressed - 323.51 kB - 08/17/2017 at 12:53



Arduino File to control the robot.

ino - 3.80 kB - 08/17/2017 at 12:52


  • 1 × Arduino Uno
  • 3 × Micro Servo
  • 1 × Plain PCB
  • 1 × Male Header Connector
  • 1 × Aluminium Partition Waste

View all 8 components

  • 1
    Building Servo Shield

    1) First step is to build a arduino shield to drive 3 Servos. In motero shiled 1 we only drive 2 servos. So i make my own shield.

    2) I use the pins 3,5 and 6 in the arduino to drive the servos.

    3) From arduino to Servo i use a thin long flexible wire (I Use my old mouse wise it has 5 wires very thin and string). Two wires for +5V and 3 wires for servo driven.

    4) A separate board in the side of the device to control servos. I that board i use 3 X 3 Male connector to connect servos.

    5) A capacitor 1000 micro f between Power supply for servos is soldered. and to avoid short circuit and wires break from soldering, i cover all soldered wire with hot glue gun.

  • 2
    Check the Concept

    1) After make a startup software and check the angles generated. I want to test that this servo is correct for my application.

    2) So i just use straws at first to find its working correct.

    3) Straws dimension are 50mm 2nos, 32mm 1no and 82mm 1Nos.

    4) Its working fine and the test pass. But some more calculation is missing. So some calculation want to change.

  • 3
    Make Servo Holders

    1) Its time to assemble my drawing buddy. But this is the very hard work.

    2) I use ALuminium from partion work waste from my friend to make 4 'L' bends of dimension 30 X 40 X 27.

    3) Mark the portion for Servo and give it to a milling machine. They only able to take the shape as oval.

    4) I use a triangle file to make it rectangle.

    5) Take it for 3 pieces and another one piece for holding the up down servo.

    6) Connect the two pieces using screws.

View all 19 instructions

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Walter Hynson wrote 05/15/2023 at 23:43 point

If I remember correctly this was done with the Commodore 64 user port,I think the book was called the Commodore 64 Robot Book

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Ali A.H.M wrote 10/21/2017 at 10:47 point

Very nice, how can I use it with Matlab?

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