

A project log for Cheer Cat @CheerlightsCat

Cat-Activated Cheerlights Changer and Cat Photographer

matthew-gorrMatthew Gorr 08/17/2017 at 15:030 Comments
Imagine a physical button that tweets a new Cheerlights color every time you push it.

That's the inspiration for this project, except the button has been done before, so I need to extend it. 

How about a button that a cat could push?

How can you quickly convince a cat to push a button?

Good point. How about a toy, like a hanging rope, that tweets when the cat plays with it?

I have a raspberry pi and a vibration sensor lying around here somewhere, I think that could work!

If it's a Raspberry Pi, you might as well take a picture of the cat playing and tweet that as well.

Okay fine, let's get started!
