So.... just got back from a long trip after filming the build of a couple projects...and then taking them on the road and putting them to use!
I'll be editing in the coming week or so, and hopefully will have the first intro video up online soon!
When I get that done, I'll have a post here that documents the build, etc for that..! Then we'll get started on the regular schedule..!
Very excited, so if anyone has any ideas for a project, let me know here!!
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What I kind of always wanted to do: find some cool projects here on hackaday.io and build and present them. There's lots of cool stuff to find and some might need a bit attention or community input etc.
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also, since it's been a while and I haven't seen stuff:
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Haha! I'm on it. XD I'm sure I'll get better as time goes on, but there's a lot of stuff to do, even if you don't count the actual project content!
I like the idea of finding random stuff here and covering those.. Maybe I take a pick of something from the top five of the month, etc.. I have a project in mind right now that I think would be a great starter.. . I'm pretty sure too that availability of project ideas will be the least of my worries.. haha.. =D
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