

Z-Wave IoT Development Board

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Z-Uno is a development platform that allows you to create your own Z-Wave devices. Z-Uno uses the power of the Z-Wave home automation radio protocol and concept of Arduino-style programming. Being inspired by Arduino project Z-Uno inherits all concepts of easy-to-use hardware and software solutions, keeping maximum flexibility.

A fully DIY product — Z-Uno is made for those who are limited by the existing choice of Z-Wave IoT products and wants to extend their smart homes with more sensors and actuators: connect LEDs, buttons, switches, motors or any low voltage sensor including most of Arduino compatible sensors.

Z-Uno programming is done by writing sketch in a simplified C language and loading into Z-Uno using Arduino IDE. Many examples and comprehensive tutorials will help you to make your own project.

Works perfectly with most of existing Z-Wave home automation gateways like Smart Things, RaZberry, Fibaro, Zipato, Vera and others.

Z-Uno was designed to allow people to make their own IoT devices for their Smart Homes. Many times we were asked "Is there a pressure/radiation/water level/.../whate ever sensor in Z-Wave?" and we found that it would be cool if people can make their own Z-Wave enabled sensor or actuator like they do with Arduino. After two years of development we made Z-Uno!

Compared to other existing Z-Wave devices on the market Z-Uno gives you the freedom of development. Compared to other Arduino-like boards Z-Uno makes the built-in RF communication simple like it never was. Z-Uno is a unique mix of Z-Wave and Arduino worlds.

Unveil your imagination to create:

  • battery powered in-wall remote switch
  • rotary dimmer control
  • temperature/soil humidity/luminosity/voltage/distance or any other sensors as well as dry contact sensor or tick counter
  • low voltage switch
  • IR blaster
  • LED driver
  • motor driver
  • battery powered keypad
  • converter from any protocol to Z-Wave (using SPI/UART/I2C/1-wire bus)
  • ... or any other device you dreamed about

Hardware specification:

  • 28 kB Flash memory for your sketches
  • 2 kB RAM available
  • Z-Wave RF transmitter at 9.6/40/100 kbps
  • 26 GPIO (overlaps with special hardware controllers)
  • 4 ADC
  • 5 PWM
  • 2 UART
  • 1 USB (serial port)
  • 16 kB EEPROM
  • 1 SPI (master or slave)
  • 4 IR controllers, 1 IR learn capability
  • 1 TRIAC/ZEROX to control dimmer
  • 3 Interrupts
  • 1 Timer 4 MHz
  • I2C (software)
  • 1-Wire (software)
  • 8x6 Keypad Scanner (software + hardware interrupts)
  • 2 service LED, 1 service button
  • 1 user test LED

Power modes:

  • USB 5 V, external 5 or 3 V, external 7-18 V or battery 3 V
  • always on, sleeping or FLiRS (Frequently Listening)

Z-Wave supported features:

  • Z-Wave Plus compliant
  • all Z-Wave frequencies (check availability)
  • out of the box support of AES 128 bit Security
  • upgrade via USB or radio (Z-Wave OTA)
  • Multichannel (up to 10 channels)
  • Up to 5 Association groups
  • controls switches, dimmers, door locks and scenes
  • works with gateways and/or directly with other Z-Wave devices

Channel types:

  • Binary Switch
  • Multilevel Switch
  • Binary Sensor
  • Multilevel Sensor
  • Meter


  • L×W×H: 39×20×16 mm (PCB dimentions with all compinents)
  • L×W×H: 39×20×7 mm (PCB dimentions with PLS and battery connectors removed)
  • Antenna lenght: 81-86 mm (84-89 mm with isolation), can be bent to better fit your dimensions
  • Wigth: 7 g


  • Antenna type: wire antenna 86/82/81 mm for 865-870/908-915/921-928 MHz
  • Alternative antenna: optional u.fl connector can be soldered (to RF2 pads)


  • Z-Uno Shield — extension board to your Z-Uno

    Poltorak Serguei04/15/2019 at 07:04 0 comments

    For those who don't really have time to solder or program we have created the Z-Uno Shield.

    The Z-Uno Shield makes wiring very easy: terminal strips allows easy connection. It contains a 12V/24V (in fact 10-28V) power supply, real 0-10V analog output, four open collector PWM outputs to directly drive an RGBW LED strip or contactor relays, MAX485 for RS485 bus, a connector for OneWire and four voltage dividers for 0-12V/0-5V/0-3V analog inputs (configured using jumpers).

    For those who still like to solder, there is a tiny breadboard on the Shield!

    Z-Uno Shield fits perfectly three types of cases:

    All this allows very comfortable usage of your Z-Uno.

    But what about programming? You can of course program your Z-Uno in the Arduino language a before, but for busy (lazy) people we have created a Z-Uno Shield Configurator that allows to generate the full sketch based on the peripherals you define. You can of course still add you own hacks to the generated code!

    More info on the Z-Uno project web site.

  • Z-Uno now supports Z-Wave Security S2

    Poltorak Serguei03/10/2018 at 21:33 0 comments

    Greate news - a version of Z-Uno software (we call it bootloader) with the new Z-Wave Security S2 encryption is now available. To benefit from it you need to have an S2 capable controller in the network.

    [About S2] Z-Wave Security S2 is currently one of the most secure common known IoT protocols! It uses ECDH with a PIN code to share the network keys over the air securely. Three security levels ensures that even compromising some device one can still not get control onthe full network.

    More info on

  • Z-Uno will soon be available in a Mini variant

    Poltorak Serguei09/22/2017 at 01:37 0 comments

    We are now working on Z-Uno Mini. May be we will call it Z-Tiny ;)

    Z-Uno Mini will be about 27x16 mm module ready for SMD. Same number of pins, same functionality, same flexibility, but smaller that Z-Uno, no buttons, no USB port, PLS, no LEDs and no power circuit - it is suitted to fit on your PCB like any other modem module.

    Z-Uno (the current, big one) is made for fast prototyping of Z-Wave devices and DIY projects. Unlike its big brother, Z-Uno Mini is designed to make small production of your devices. Want to make 50-500 Z-Wave ketlers or Z-Wave radiation sensors? Z-Uno Mini is your choice.

    Are you interested in this variant of Z-Uno? Please write us your ideas about the device.

  • Porting Arduino language to the Z-Wave chip

    Poltorak Serguei08/19/2017 at 13:20 0 comments

    Z-Uno is based on the Z-Wave ZM5101 chip (manufactured by Sigma Designs). ZM5101 belongs to 8051 family and there are only few good compilers for that platform. All Z-Wave devices uses a very powerful, but complex and expensive Keil compiler. This makes development of Z-Wave IoT devices pretty hard.

    To allow using Arduino IDE for your development we had to provide an alternative free compiler still making all the Z-Wave radio transmission job under the hood.

    After a long investigation we have decided to pick up free and open source sdcc compiler and use it to compile user part of the code. At the same time all the Z-Wave magic is still done in our bootloader code that is compiler using Keil with Z-Wave SDK. This bootloader works with the internal RF module, handles Z-Wave network management, packet transmission and most of service communications. Your sketch is responsible for the peripherals (like in Arduino) and operation logic (what to turn on/off, where and when to send events from sensors).

    And here the magic begins! We have two binary firmwares compiled using different compilers (even having different ABI) and executed on a single chip. That was a kind of funny trick to make them love each other. Think of if as a one process operating system: our bootloader code provides system calls to your sketch code.

    For those who are interested in those tricks, we wrote a very descriptive article on the underhood magic: (use google translate to read it in English).

  • Z-Uno manufacturing

    Poltorak Serguei08/19/2017 at 10:04 0 comments

    We care a lot about manufacturing and quality control. This is why we decided to assembly Z-Uno in our homeland under lovely care of Rezonit factory.

    PCB inspection under microscopeMicroscope inspection of Z-Uno PCB before mountingSMD assembly test pointsSMD assembly test points check on the production lineAssembled Z-Uno inspection in X-rays Z-Uno soldering quality inspection in X-rays

    Ongoing Z-Uno assembly

    Z-Uno SMD assembly

    Z-Uno packing boxes are designed to be beautiful and keep Z-Uno safe during transportation

    Z-Uno package

View all 5 project logs

  • 1
    Build your first device with Z-Uno

    Follow few steps to build your first device with Z-Uno. You will need a computer (to install Arduino IDE) and components required for your Z-Uno device.

    We also suggest to start by looking on the Z-Uno quick introduction and the Z-Uno Quick Start Guide.

  • 2
    Install Arduino IDE and Z-Uno package on your computer

    Z-Uno require specific version of Arduino IDE. You also need to install Z-Uno package from Board Manager.

    Follow a more detailed manual 

    Arduino IDE is used for both: upgrade your Z-Uno and program Z-Uno sketches.

  • 3
    Windows users are also required to install Z-Uno driver

    Download the driver from our web site: Z-Uno driver for Windows

View all 6 instructions

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