
End effector v4.2 assembled

A project log for Arcus-3D-C1 - Cable 3D printer

3D printable, Open Source Hardware, tripod kinematics, cable driven 3D printer

masterofnullMasterOfNull 11/26/2017 at 02:390 Comments

Finished assembling the end effector.  

Showing my changes to the fan duct including a small stainless steel heat shield, and moving the hot-end up inside the end effector.

I'm still marveling at how well annealing and dyeing the nylon worked.

I think this will last at least as long as the tensioned lines will.

Iteration has cost me the last of my spectra line, so I picked up some cheap fluorocarbon line on Amazon I'm going to try out.  

This stuff is billed as 110lb (49kg) test.  I'm hoping that means it is more resistant to stretching, but we'll see. The braid on it is more pronounced, but that shouldn't matter as I'm not using any eyelets in this design.
