
Visions of luer lock tip changers

A project log for Arcus-3D-C1 - Cable 3D printer

3D printable, Open Source Hardware, tripod kinematics, cable driven 3D printer

masterofnullMasterOfNull 11/30/2017 at 18:080 Comments

Thanks for 100 likes!

But... the next few weeks around here are going to be nuts and we still have some holiday related hacking to accomplish.  This project is going to have to wait.

Alexander and I did have some interesting conversations about how the C1 might perform as a Pick and Place machine though..  

That would be a pretty kick butt PNP machine.

We still have yet to see how some of that plays out in the real world of course, but plans for automatic luer lock tip changers and lightweight 9g hobby servo part rotators are already dancing in my head.  

Happy Holidays.
