
Breaking down the project into small bricks

A project log for Evol'artist

Evolv'artist is an open source computer game project on evolution.

emma-barmeEmma Barme 08/23/2017 at 09:430 Comments

We all know how daunting tackling a new project can be, or how frequent it is to give up in the middle because the end still feels so far away. For me, the best way to prevent that is to break down the project into small bricks from the start and to keep track of the status for each brick.

This is a tentative list of bricks of Evol'artist. Some bricks are divided further into smaller ones, and the goal is to never have a leaf brick of the tree seem to big to tackle.

>Game design:




>>>Creatures characteristics


>>>Planet modification interface

>>>Feedback on the creatures interface

>>>General menu interface

>>>Display orders


>>Evolution motor

>>>Creature entities

>>>Life simulation

>>>>Fetching characteristics from DNA on birth

>>>>Simulate each step in life simultaneously for all creatures

>>>Reproduction simulation


>>>>Mixing DNAs

>>Stats on creatures

>>>Dynamic stat display

>>>Stats on phenotype

>>>Stats on genotype

>>Game play engine

>>>General save/create/quit...

>>>Planet modification

>>>Order generation





