
More Servo Hinges

A project log for Mixed Reality Room Scale Shooting Gallery

A mixed reality shooting gallery using virtual reality tracking hardware.

richard-hogbenRichard Hogben 10/02/2017 at 16:190 Comments

I've been printing on rafts because the bottom looks cleaner than smashed onto the build plate. There is just so much wasted material... I'm storing it until I can figure out something to do with it.

Fusion 360 build of the two pieces.

The back fin is there if I need some counterbalance and it stops the hinge from moving too far back.

Fusion 360 render if this was made of jello...

Bottom printed. The layer height is 0.2mm, infill of 20%, and speed around 120mm/s and still this is a two hour part for the Monoprice Mini Delta.

With the top installed and holding a target.


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