Things used in the project:

Hardware components:

  1. Arduino UNO & Genuino UNO × 1 
  2. DFRobot's 2.8" TFT Touch Shield × 1

Software apps and online services: 

  1. Arduino IDE
  2. DFRobot Image Converter 

Hand tools and fabrication machines: 

  1. Stylus (generic)

The Specifications


Pin Definitions

TFT, Touch, SD-Card and external flash memory pin mapping

Bubble Display

Graphic Display Example

In the sketch -

tft.drawString(5, 10, "Romantic cabin");
tft.drawLine(x, y, x-80, y+30, YELLOW ); 
tft.drawRectangle(x-40, y+50,x-20, y+70, 0x8418);
tft.fillCircle(x+100, y-30, 20, RED );

The Drawing Board

We can make a home made digital drawing board in just a few minutes. All we need are Arduino and this TFT shield.

How :

In the sketch -

dmTouch.readTouchData(x, y, touched);

The syntax is :

<object_name>.fillCircle(x ,y, <point thickness>, <point color>);

Moreover, you can draw on it and to clear it, use the reset button on the screen to clear the graphics.

Display a pictures from a SD card

It requires a special format for the displaying picture: 16bit RGBRGB bmp.

You could download the convert tool here: ImageConverter

Why 16 bit, not 24 bit?

There are 2 reasons for converting your images to 16-bit bmp with flipped row order:

a) The MCU does not need to convert the 24-bit to 16-bit 565, this is already done.

b) If the source format is already in correct order, a faster algorithm for reading the data can be used.

c) There is less data to read (because the image is only 2/3 of an original size)

Compared to raw picture data, there are several advantages:

a) It has meta data about the format, size, how it is stored etc. With raw data, the program must already know this.

b) It is a standard so it can be viewed directly in most viewer (although not all viewer )

c) Can create and edit the images in advanced photo editing programs like photoshop.

Anyway, there is converted picture in the library folder (DmTftLibrary\examples\DM-TFT28-105). You could have a try with it first.

1. Copy the converted picture to the SD. 2.Plug SD card in the touch screen. 3.Upload the sketch given in the attachments.

Note : Install the SPIFlash library before you compile the sketch. Click here to download it form the GitHub.

Buy the shield from now.
