
Developing the Content

A project log for CodiBot

An affordable Arduino Compatible Robot for learning to Code

shamylmansoorshamylmansoor 10/16/2017 at 12:470 Comments

CodiBot is supposed to be a fun, easy and affordable robot for kids to learn coding, robotics, electronics and problem solving. Just by hooking up an Arduino with a few motors does not really satisfy the goals of this project. Therefore one of the major tasks of this is to create creative content around the Bot that enables children to keep on learning with the kit. With our team's experience of developing curriculum based on thematic project based learning we have developed a few activities. These include

In our sessions the children our given different missions around which they have to program Codi and solve the mission. For example in one of the first missions they learn to program Codi by blinking an LED. They just don't blink it they have to program a message which is then read by another robot. The following video shows the activity

In another session the children are given a mission to find Water on the surface of MARS. The following two videos are used in the session.

We have also developed a number of downloadable tutorials that the kids can follow at home. There is more content that we plan to develop around CodiBot including YouTube videos as well as downloadable content and programs.

  1. Getting Started
  2. Avoiding Obstacles
  3. Line Following
  4. Fire Fighting
  5. Astronaut Codi
