
Introduction and Motivation

A project log for heg4all

Fix or improve your brain with the simplest and least intrusive technique currently available, hemoencephalography, DIY style

allstargajoallstargajo 08/31/2017 at 10:260 Comments

This project aims to bring attention to what I believe should be our next frontier as a species. Just like Space it can catapult Humanity to a new era but contrary to Space this one is far far closer.

Most of us will go the extra mile for improving our looks or our muscles but rarely think of our brain in the same way. Maybe because one can't see it or be praised for it as easily as the other two the brain is rarely given a second thought when it comes to improvement and most just accept it as if it was unchangeable. Well, the brain is all BUT unchangeable and although it isn't a muscle it surely displays the same properties that enable it to be trained to be improved.

We've seen (pharma, hardware, software) tools popping up, not just in the DIY movement, but also as commercial products that are aiming to democratizing the brain-enhancement goal. But tinkering with the brain understandably has something unnerving about it that causes most people to either shy away from it, or worse, to fear it and refuse to learn or acknowledge it.

Fortunately there's a technique called hemoencephalography (HEG) which we can use to meaningful improve our cognitive functions and confidently know that it cannot cause any sort of damage. Unfortunately the price of most commercial HEG systems is still very high for the general population. That is where this project comes in and hopefully make a difference.
