
New PCB assembled and running

A project log for Arduino + CPLD = CPLD Fun Board!

Homemade low cost CPLD dev board (Arduino STM32F103 and Altera MAX II EPM240/EPM570 CPLD). Two dev boards into one.

just4funJust4Fun 10/19/2017 at 12:210 Comments

Here it is the new version:

And a short demo video:

Now it is possible use an EPM570T100 too, "configuring" the PCB with eight solder jumpers (see the legend on the bottom side of the PCB, or the schematic).

The capacitors C31 and C35 are required only for the EPM570T100, so if you use an EPM240T100 do not populate them (as in the board shown in the photos, using an EPM240T100).

Because currently I haven't any EPM570, when available I'll make an other board with it.

In the files section I've added the schematic and PCB Gerber files (traces width/clearance is 7mil/7mil).

There are also layout guides to help to assemble components for both the sides of the PCB, with both components reference  and value (file

The components list is here.
