This is a short project log about starting to divide up the sensor reading and audio generation and control. It has taken me some time to to post this log, which reflects the state of progress as it was when I presented at the UK #HackadayUncon in Sep 17.
With the pink insoles I made a cable that went between the two insoles and then up to an Arduino at the waist, where it was reading both MPR121s. Be aware that as they were both on the same I2C bus they needed to have unique addresses. As I was using a female headers on the MPR121 break-out boards, I could just put a jumper across from the unused ADDRESS header to the unused 3.3V header, this changes the I2C address of the second MPR121 from 0x5A to 0x5C. Note that I'm using MPR121 breakout boards with 5V regulators and logic level shifiting but other boards might not have this.
I physically now had the whole setup connected together but there is no way in the world that this could be used in trials. At least I could take data from two MPR121s simultaneously (figuratively).
I then set about adding, in slow time due to other projects, a pair of NRF24L01 2.4Ghz radios, to allow me to have a completely wireless link between one foot and the other, with one foot being wired to the audio. I also separated the role of one arduino into three; one for each foot and one to deal with the audio.

The separation between the feet was a vast improvement but for the sake of a third NRF24L01 and saving myself from coding a serial connection, I got rid of the wire between the right foot and the audio arduino.

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