You don't realize how difficult cutting your nails it until you can't do it. Spinal conditions, old age, poor flexibility, arthritis, and brain injury are just a few examples of reason many, many people are unable to cut their toe nails. Most people make do by asking their children, partner, grandchildren OR by paying around $50 regularly for a pedicure. Some products (e.g. make an effort to help, but they are seriously insufficient.
For the millions of people living with physical disability from conditions like stroke, spina bifida, arthritis, traumatic brain injury, and many more, being able to cut your own toe nails would be a liberating, empowering and, don't forget, money saving ability.
This project was started for someone who couldn't cut their nails, but the list of issues goes on. If you can't cut your nails, many aspects of foot hygiene are difficult - washing, cleaning, putting on lotion - just to name a few. This project is one small step ( <- foot pun) for bringing back independence to people living with disability. In a world of an aging population, the single greatest threat to living a happy, independent life is physical disability. We're changing the world, one clip at a time.
Nailed it.