

Star Catcher, a cooperative physical game. meteor showers in LED/VR . Players move around the universe catching falling .

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Grab a Net.
Catch a Falling Star!

Star Catcher VR is a cooperative physical game where players with nets move around the universe catching falling stars from the glowing ceiling. With each star caught, a new star is added to a constellation in our sky.

Together, at Play NYC we built our own constellation filled night sky. These luminous Falling Stars have a romantic relationship with us on earth. Catching them has fun, playful, hopeful, and energetic effects.

Lead Design and Development: Adelle Lin and Matt Pinner
Music Composition and Interactive Audio: Kevin Doucette
Construction and Structural Support: Adina Shanholtz and Stellan Clark
Unity Advice and Playtesting: Mikey Cengija and Zach Ragozzino
Particle Effects: Peter Sistrom
Photography: Astrida Valigorsky
Event Support and Logistics: Andy Wallace, Kurt Bieg, and Playcrafting
Inspirations: NYCResistor Vectrex, DotDotDash Laser Drawing, Purity Ring Gems

More Info: http:://


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View all 24 files

  • 50 × cat6 Non-IC RF, IF, RFID, ZigBee Components / Attenuators
  • 3 × butterfly net
  • 40 × stars
  • 40 × custom length addressable led meteor tubes ws2812 60 led/m 360 viewable
  • 3 × SymphonicPicnic oshpark pcbs

View all 11 components

  • Star Catcher showing w Harvestworks on Governors Island + special event perfomances

    mpinner07/05/2024 at 14:54 0 comments

    We're honored to be included in a Harvest Works art gallery house on Governors Island to show Star Catcher all summer long! 

    may 17 - aug 18 ::

    Special event + performance
    July 13th :

    [July 13th] Star Catcher Performance and Artist Talk by Adelle Lin and Matt Pinner

    Join us under the stars for a dance performance and artist talk at the Star Catcher installation. Adelle Lin and Matt Pinner collaborate with the dancer-choreographer Dharma Esmat to explore the mystical tapestry of the universe and redefine the act of creation through dance. Utilizing live tracking technology, Dharma’s movements will dynamically alter the constellation patterns above, creating a vibrant, evolving star field in real-time. This performance invites the audience to ponder our deep connections to the stellar energies that surround us, in a profound moment of cosmic reclamation.

    Location: Building 10a, Nolan Park, Governors Island

    Date: Saturday July 13, 2024

    Time: 2:45 pm

    Adelle Lin and Matt Pin­ner Star Catch­eran immer­sive instal­la­tion that encour­ages par­tic­i­pants to engage with their envi­ron­ment in a play­ful and imag­i­na­tive man­ner. Using pro­jec­tion and mag­i­cal objects, the instal­la­tion cre­ates a sim­u­lat­ed night sky that is brim­ming with an ethe­re­al con­stel­la­tion of stars that par­tic­i­pants can catch. 

  • Grab a net and catch falling stars. Come play the next iteration of our interactive led game, StarCatcher!

    mpinner06/02/2022 at 15:01 1 comment

    Hey Friends, We have an installation coming up next week. We’d love you to join and see the latest work in progress.

    We're installing and testing this week as part of the extended reality showcase for three days during tribeca film festival. Reachout with any questions... Thanks 🙏 !


    What: Catch stars with us. 

    Who: YOU !!!

    Grab a net and catch falling stars. Come play the next iteration of our interactive led game, StarCatcher!

    When: June 9th ‐ June 12th

    Our specific slots within the larger showcase:

    • Thursday 8:30p-10p 
    • Friday 3p-6p
    • Saturday 11a-12:30p
    • Sunday 2p-4p

    Where: Onx Studio :

    • Olympic Tower Atrium Gallery
    • Midtown Manhattan (51st St and 5th Ave)
    • 645 Fifth Ave, New York, NY 10022

    How: Please RSVP for FREEEEE ticket and reminders:

    We're installing and testing this week as part of the extended reality showcase for three days during tribeca film festival. Reachout with any questions... Thanks 🙏 ! 

  • a starcatcher refresh is happen again in June

    mpinner05/04/2022 at 21:15 0 comments

    a starcatcher refresh is happen again in June. let us know if you are around June 6 for the install?
    or 9-13th for showdeets, stay tuned!

  • Motivation: simulating experience with multiple simultaneous participants

    mpinner10/10/2017 at 05:28 0 comments

    Sharing an experience with multiple simultaneous participants creates an opportunity for spontaneous playful interactions

    The #playnyc games conference asked us to fill their space with an interactive experience. Given the wide range of attendees at the event, we wanted to create a game with the simplest possible interface. Strongly reinforcing a physical interaction while mixing reality seemed the best way to give people an unexpected experience while making the game very accessible.

    We invited our would-be participants to imagine an improbable reality and simulated it as best we. Simulating being outside during a meteor show creates a sense of wonder. 

    If we can give people a real net and create stars that react when caught be the net, we can create the feeling that stars are actually be caught by you. This action of catching falling stars is fun, when we believe we can really feel it.

    Creating this interaction from the physical nets is no small feat. We used the latest vive positioning system and tightly controlled led animations in Unity to know when a net is in position for a star to be caught. 

    We then need to reward you for catching the stars. This key to the successfully encouraging people to believe our simulation and continue moving about the space.

    When a star is caught you can hear the sound and see the change in color and led animations. A large projection against the wall mapped into the user’s space even shows a view of the nearby constellations and shows the stars returning home. 

    A very special thanks to our lovely friend and composer, Kevin Doucette. His willingness to discuss and design a soundscape around this notion opened up a lot of research and creativity. We worked on spatialized audio in Unity. Kevin's curiosity and knowledge encouraged us to dive deeper into understand our interaction programing star compositions and meaning.

  • Building Stars

    mpinner10/03/2017 at 04:01 0 comments

    We wanted to create a sense of awe and wonder like looking up at a night sky filled with stars. This made for some obvious challenges. 

    How do we build a lot of falling stars? 

    How far could they fall? 

    How do people know when one is falling and where?

      Our initial idea involved warm white addressable leds and a ping pong ball. This made for a nice animation of falling and showed a pretty distinct star at the end. After a bit of turnign with the speeds and colors we were able to sync this up with a video projection in unity.

    The virtual world also needed a design for stars. We found a few nice Unity assets and started building particle effects in PopcornFX

  • Concept

    mpinner09/09/2017 at 20:03 0 comments


    Get the MATERIALS and BUILD some boards and cables.

    USE the Teensy Octo2811 Adapter for REASONS :

    BUDGET your POWER.

    NEXT STEP: Make Badass Stars! 

    NASA snapped this shot with hubble

  • start with a net and a bit of whimsy

    mpinner09/07/2017 at 03:20 0 comments

    How does it feel to catch a falling star???  We're set to find out. 

    The stars hols so much majesty and inspiration. How do we begin? 

    We start with a net and a bit of whimsy.

View all 7 project logs

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dolvexsanit wrote 07/15/2023 at 12:13 point

I have gotten a lot out of the project, and I appreciate it very much. In order for the Mill Creek Freight Info staff to read it and use it, I'd like to share it with them.

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bexiv97952 wrote 08/26/2022 at 08:16 point

Online Forex trading is available around the clock from Monday to Friday. The currency quotes are influenced by political and economic events in the world, natural disasters, inflation, etc -

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mpinner wrote 06/02/2022 at 14:59 point

another :

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mpinner wrote 06/02/2022 at 14:59 point

a great write-up:

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mpinner wrote 09/07/2017 at 01:26 point

I invite anyone to ask and suggest what might be appropriate next steps

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