This is just a purely for fun project, that is supposed to get me into programming those small ATtiny chips. I got this idea when I looked at the ribbon cable of my programmer -- it's a rainbow! The board doesn't do much, just blink the cat's eyes and play the tune on a buzzer.
It looks like the SVG import didn't work quite right — all the curves are converted to straight lines. Have you considered using Fritzing for this? It's not good for super-huge complex projects, but for small artsy things like this it is perfect, and since it uses SVG for everything internally, importing it works very well.
It looks like the SVG import didn't work quite right — all the curves are converted to straight lines. Have you considered using Fritzing for this? It's not good for super-huge complex projects, but for small artsy things like this it is perfect, and since it uses SVG for everything internally, importing it works very well.