
Pull-Up Bar Hangborad

A simple, non-invasive method for mounting a climbing hangboard to a door frame pull-up bar.

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The goal of this project was to create a cheap, non-invasive, easy to setup, safe method for mounting a hangboard to a door frame. The ultimate solution was based around an Iron Gym Total Upper Body Workout Bar and a piece of 1" ply. The hangboard would be mounted to the ply and the ply to the Iron Gym. Mounting the hangboard to the ply was trivial. The ply was mounted to the Iron Gym via two steel pipes that were slightly smaller in diameter than the handles of the Iron Gym and were just short enough to be slid into the handles without hitting the bar's structural joints. To keep the steel pipes from sliding out of the handles during use and to reduce torque on the handles and the screws mounting the pipes to the ply, an eye screw was attached to the center of the ply so that a slipknot anchor could be easily rigged.

Total build cost ~$50.

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