
Mailbag Time...

A project log for The AnyTop

The laptop that *anyone* can build!

starhawkStarhawk 09/13/2017 at 20:160 Comments

Here's what's arrived in the mail so far... not pictured, a pair of three-ring binders I got (one at Dollar Tree, one at Wal-Mart) and a roll of 3M Scotch double stick foam tape. What *is* pictured is... the power brick, a powered USB hub and its 'wall wart' power supply, the keyboard, and the display and its associated accessories (cables, a microfiber cloth, and a CD and some mounting hardware that will not be necessary for this project).

Hub in box...

Hub not in box...LCD and peripherals (shiny!)...

LCD upside-down and peripherals...

Power brick with cloverleaf-style cord, and keyboard...

That's it for now, but I'll keep everyone posted... next up (later!) will be some yammering about component selection -- /what/ to buy, rather than where and how to buy it.
