
LittleArm 2C: 3D Printed Robot Arm

A Fully 3D Printed Arduino Robot Arm for STEM Education

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The LittleArm 2C is the second generation of the LittleArm Family of robot kits that we have been creating. It was designed to have a minimum of parts and be simple to assembly and 3D print.

We created the LittleArm to be Robotics Kit that gets kids excited about STEM by letting them see the possibilities of technology, and build on it, without becoming frustrated by a screw or 200 parts.

The 2C is fully trainable and can be controlled by a free windows and or Android application. Since it is based on the Arduino, all of its code is open and can be repurposed with all of the support of the Global Arduino Community

We wanted to build a STEM kit that gets kids excited about technology. So we have created the LittleArm, a simple, trainable, programmable, Arduino robot arm.

In 2016, a guy in a garage built a small robot arm using an Arduino Uno and his 3D printer. After tons of people asked him to turn it into a kit, Slant Concepts put it on Kickstarter. It was funded in under a week and hit more than 260% of it goal by the end.

LittleArm OriginalLittleArm Original

After sending out those first arms, the feedback started coming in. We are smart enough to listen to the people who are using our stuff. So we took every comment and common problem and eliminated them with extreme prejudice. When we were done we had created a great machine. This is the LittleArm 2C. The desktop Arduino robot arm we created for kids to learn about robotics and technology.

The LittleArm 2C is designed to be the kit that kids can easily use so that STEM classes can implement more robotics curriculum. 

We were very successfully funded on Kickstarterat the beginning of 2017. We continue to manufacture the kits andprovide the parts and files for kids and schools everywhere to build real working robots.

Whats the "2C"

The 2C is actually very important. First of all, this is the second version of the LittleArm, hence the 2. The original LittleArm was launched in 2016 and the response has been amazing.

The C? Well, the "C" encompasses a lot of things. Here they are.

Clean - This are has no rough edges. We tweaked everything so that it is a perfect little machine. We even have loops to hold the wires against the arm, so they aren't flapping out in the breeze.

Children - The original LittleArm was built primarily for makers and kids with adult supervision. This Littlearm is so easy to put together that a 6 year-old can do it. We know because we spent hours in classrooms with kids teaching and watching the kids play with them. The 2C is practically child-proof.

Complete - This might be a stretch, but we don't know what we will tweak in the future. We consider it finished, except for electrical and software expansions.


Controllable and Trainable through USB or Bluetooth Apps

The LittleArm 2C uses the same free Desktop and Android App that we developed for the original LittleArm. They allow you to move the arm and record a set of waypoints that you can play back.

Kids learning about robotics for the first time will be introduced to basic functions and behaviors that all modern robots use.

The full LittleArm 2C kit comes with a Bluetooth module so that it can be controlled with an android smartphone using our free android App in the appstore.

Electrically, it is just plug and play. Plug in the servos to  the spot on the board labeled "Servos," and plug in the Bluetooth module where is says "Bluetooth," then give it some power. That is it. 

Reprogram with Arduino or Blockly

Since the entire LittleArm is built on the Arduino Nano, it can be reprogrammed from scratch using either the Arduino IDE or graphical tools like BlocklyDuino


We are using a custom-designed PCB originally created for the MePed robot, which makes using the Arduino even easier. It also allows expansion to new sensors like ultrasonic and IR by just plugging them in. You can also re-write the Arduino code so that you can control two LittleArms with a single board.

Arduino Nano

The original LittleArm used an Uno. But we wanted the 2C to be more compact, so we used a Nano. We love the Arduino because it lets students and makers tap into the huge global community built around Adafruit. We don't want to hinder the creation and hacking of this thing. 


Bluetooth now comes with every LittleArm kit with an electronics package. We are very proud to make this available with the new arms.

Mechanical Design Upgrades

The LittleArm 2C is the second generation of the LittleArm. What have we done? A Ton.

Faster 3D Printing

The LittleArm is the among the first really...

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  • 1 × Meped/Littlearm PCB
  • 1 × Arduino Nano
  • 1 × HC-06 Bluetooth Module
  • 4 × MG90S Servo
  • 1 × LittleArm 2C 3D Printing Files

  • LittleArm V3 Coming Soon

    slantconcepts10/02/2019 at 21:49 0 comments

    Hey All,

    We are just about to release a new version of the LittleArm. LittleArm V3.

    This arm has even fewer parts and is even tougher than the 2C. We plan to have it out by the end of this year. 3D Printing Files may come sooner along with a dedicated page.

    Stay updated by checking the LittleBots Website.

  • Where is the LittleArm Made?

    slantconcepts09/16/2017 at 16:15 0 comments

    The LittleArm is still fully 3D printed. If you purchase a kit you are going receive 3D printed parts. But since the LittleArm 2C is an internationally recognized kit, a few printers in the office can't meet the demand.

    So we partnered with Slant 3D, a high volume 3D printer manufacturer, to produce the parts we need. Slant 3D has the capacity of 10's of thousands of parts per month, by using their fully automated 3D printing farm.

    You can check out the Slant 3D manufacturing website to get more info.

    Slant 3D 3D Printing FactoryA Few Rows of the Slant 3D 3D printing factory

View all 2 project logs

  • 1
    Parts List

    All of the parts for the LittleArm can be purchased from the LittleArm website as a package or from most hobby retailers.

  • 2
    Step 2

    If you building the LittleArm entirely from scratch, then go ahead and download the files from here. You do have to purchase the core files for the arm, but grippers, and peripherals are all free downloads. Alternatively you can purchase the entire kit from the Littlebots Website

    Note: Some peripherals may need to be scaled 10x when entered into your software.

    Print the files using your preferred settings, though the lowest resolution (300 microns) is perfectly acceptable.

  • 3
    Assembly Base Servo
    1. Insert Servo into Base so that wire feeds out rear slot.
    2. Secure the Base Servo with two servo mounting screws.

View all 20 instructions

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