The WM-100-Duino board have an ATMEGA256RFR2 with IEEE 802.15.4 2.4 GHz embedded radio and was designed to have 2 antennas for diversity with a 24dBm PA/LNA. The board have a I2C network with MPL115A2 altimeter, a VCNL4010 luminous sensor, CC2D33S humidity sensor and ATSHA104 criptographic accelerator.
The WM-100-DUINO has the same Arduino-UNO pin out. The main diference is the power source extended from +0.9 to +6.5V. It can works with a single AA battery up to 3 AA. The wireless communication can be used with 3 different communication stacks: LwMesh, IEEE-802.15.4 e ZigbeePro, but only LwMesh was the only released.
With this board is possible to have true IoT MESH device with full open source code directly into Arduino IDE with 5 demos:
- SimpleRemote: Blink a LED remotely
- PeerToPeer: UART by wireless
- EDemo: Energy Scan
- WSNDemo: Wireless Sensor Network
- Sniffer: IEEE 802.15.4 sniffer directly into Wireshark
Co-processor USB <-> USART bridge.
MD5: 7e425433a85e37b68372ab7eefbce53a