
1971 Game

1971 is a real-time strategy game that follows the story of Indo-Pakistan war of 1971

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1971 is a real-time strategy game that follows the story of Indo-Pakistan war of 1971 that led to the formation of Bangladesh. Being one of the shortest historic wars, lasting just 13 days, this game will come up with different levels in the Campaign Mode. A Deathmatch mode will be provided where the user does not follow the campaign but plays against the computer.

Player starts from a basic set-up of armed forces and warfare equipment. As the game progresses, reinforcements arrive to support the player. Maximum population capacity of 10 is there for each player. Player may be asked to ambush the enemy or, defend against infiltration. Player is expected to play intelligently in the game. There are 3 playable unit classes: RIFLEMAN(infantry), HOWITZER(artillery), TANK(cavalry).

Uses C, Keil IDE, LPC2148 (ARM7) Blue-board, LCD display, 2-Axis Joystick, Push buttons, USB A to B Cable, Speakers

Gameplay Algorithm

1. Home screen display.
2. If any pushbutton is pressed, go to Main Menu.
3. There are 4 options in Main Menu: Campaign, Deathmatch, Help, Exit.
4. Options can be selected using up-down joystick functionality.
5. Selected option can be entered by SELECT Key (X-Key).

Campaign Mode
1. This mode has 4 levels.
2. Enter any option using joystick & SELECT Key.
3. After level is selected, a level description is loaded from where Play mode can be invoked.
4. BACK Key (Y-Key) is used to go to Main Menu.

Deathmatch Mode
1. This is a special map where face-off beteen foot soldiers takes place.
2. Play mode can be loaded to start the map.

1. Play instructions are loaded on the display.
2. User can go back to Main Menu by selecting Y-Key.

1. User is taken back to Home screen.

Play Mode
1. X-Key is used to select different units.
2. Y-Key pauses the game and asks whether the user wants to quit the game.
3. Joystick is used for movement of each unit.
4. The enemy AI is built in such a way so as to detect weakest enemy in range and follow/attack them.
5. The player only need to move the units at correct locations to win the game.
6. The player is free to design effective battle formations with the available units.
7. The level ends whenever a side loses all of its units.


Circuit schematic

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 239.90 kB - 11/29/2017 at 09:08



Flowchart part 2

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Flowchart part 4

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Flowchart part 3

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Flowchart part 1

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 27.43 kB - 11/29/2017 at 09:05


View all 15 files

  • 1 × LPC2148 Blueboard Microcontroller
  • 2 × Large Push Buttons Input device
  • 30 × Jumper Wires For connections
  • 1 × USB A to B Cable For programming
  • 1 × 9V Power Adapter Power Supply

View all 13 components

  • Progress till 24-11-17

    Sarthi Chugh11/24/2017 at 23:11 0 comments

    Updated unit sprites

    Added sprites for Game Victory and Defeat

    Level-specific unit generation implemented

    Implemented unit attack/follow logic

    Added enemy health bar for enemy strength indication

    Added health-loss animation

    Calibrated Joystick ADC interface

    All game levels are completely functional


    Fix key debounce issues

    Add menu selection and unit attack sounds


  • Progress till 19-11-17

    Sarthi Chugh11/19/2017 at 19:41 0 comments

    Created sprites for game logo and all units

    Created display logic for normal and bold characters

    Implemented different unit description and menu screens

    Implemented unit movement logic

    Implemented buffered-output on LCD display

    Interfaced push-buttons and joystick


    ADC Calibration

    Level specific Unit generation

    Unit attack/follow logic

    Game sounds

  • Progress till 5-11-17

    Sarthi Chugh11/05/2017 at 04:16 0 comments

    Tested multiple EINT push-button triggered interrupts.

    Tested ADC functionality through 2-axis Joystick

    Generated sample sounds through AUX port

    Created Unit-movement and attack logic

    Tested basic functionality in LCD display


    Create sprites for Units

    Create display logic

    Test display using TFT/VGA

    Calibrate ADC interface

    Create game-progress logic and levels

    Implement unit and game description menu

    Implement save game feature

    Test .wav/RIFF sounds

View all 3 project logs

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