i have a working prototype that displays everything I want from the bluetooth link of my smartphone to the canbus of the Renault "Update List screen". But as it is, it needs:
- 1 Arduino Uno board
- 1 Canbus shield (Seeedstudio)
- 1 bee shield + BT module in Xbee form factor
The stack is pretty bulky.

So I decided to integrate all of this on a pcb (except the Arduino board: I will use a Pro mini as a module to solder on the pcb).
It is an excuse to try the EasyEDA online editor. The "user experience" is pretty good except I don't like the fact that you need to be connected to use it. Here is the link to the project:
and a screenshot of the schematic and the pcb:
(if you want to reproduce it, you can download gerbers and BOM from the link of the project).

I'm using a automotive 5V regulator TPS7A6550 to prevent nasty spikes from the 12V accessory rail.
The pcb's are ordered, I'm waiting for them to check if there is no mistake...
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