
Retrieving infos from smartphone bluetooth

A project log for Smart car radio

I reversed engineered the canbus screen in my Clio and created a bluetooth remote control to listen to webradios without touching my phone.

manuManu 10/09/2017 at 21:510 Comments

Now I have a working canbus display, but how to get song titles from my smartphone and send it to the display:

Here is a screenshot of the webradio (ouifm, but it should work with any music player that send notifications) app that I like to listen to:

And a notification of the current song:

The config for the autonotification interception in Tasker:

The corresponding task that fires a bluetooth message at every new notification:

The bluetooth serial plugin config (after this discussion:, the plugin is modified to my purpose and is available on google play, than you Ilias!):

(The MAC address of the bt moule is blurred, I don't know if it really matters...)

And finally, the Tasker profile on top of that:

My first intention was to plug the SPP BT module on the hardware UART of the Arduino board to use indiffrently the USB or the BT link without code changes. But, as I still have some issues (some notifications are lost, ...), I finally plugged the SPP BT module as a software serial interface and I use the USB link to debug my program.

The corresponding Github commit: b287b22

I don't know yet why I'm dropping some notifications... I'm suspecting:

If anyone had dropping characters on this kind of SPP module, please let me know how do you solved that issue.
