
Weekly Update 11/27-12/1

A project log for Solar Trackers for Microgrids

Incorporate solar trackers in Microgrids to increase energy production.

pranit-nadipelliPranit Nadipelli 12/01/2017 at 16:310 Comments

Over the month of November, I was waiting for my purchases to come in. The Solar Panel, Solar Charge Controller, and Deep Cycle Battery arrived today, and I am planning to purchase DC motors to hold the weight of the 50W solar panel. I started to research ways to code my project on Arduino. The inputs for this project will be a light sensor and a gps shield to optimize the travel of the solar-panel. The output would be the motor movements. Before Winter break, I intend to make significant progress on the building and coding side of my project. Due to a slight delay I expect the apparatus to be fully built and prepared for my experiment by the end of January.
