
Aergia: Android TV Remote(with Speech Recognition)

Control any TV, set top box, stereo or any other device which uses an IR remote through your smartphone with Speech Recognition!

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Have you ever faced this situation while sitting on your favorite spot on the couch or recliner, comfortably watching your favorite TV program? You're snugly tucked under the blanket, the air conditioning is pleasantly cool, the sun outside is shining it's delicate warm golden rays on the closed window and gravity seems infinite... It's almost like nature doesn't want you to get off your couch...

Then suddenly a horrible commercial pops up on the TV and you desire to switch the channel immediately. However, the remote located just beyond your arm's length seems to be many miles away and you do not have the energy nor the will power to reach for it. You then look with disappointment at your aging Android phone near you and hope that you could use it to control your TV. If you're like me, then you're faced with this situation quite often... in fact EVERYDAY!

As a solution to this quite serious problem, I have devised 'Aergia' (named after the Greek goddess of laziness and sloth).

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