

An alternative to energy savings, home automation and security

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SmartSwitch is an embedded system that allows you to use the switches in your home as IoT devices and that can be administered remotely from your Smartphone.

This device contains a motion sensor and an ambient light sensor that allows it to recognize the environment and manage the lighting to extend the bulb's useful life, ie turning off the bulb regularly when you are not present or do not need it.

For one reason or another, it is common to leave the light bulbs on. Each person on average uses 38KWh² (Kilowatts hour month) in electricity consumption, this alternative can save between 15 and 30% of the usage amount, which means savings both in monthly service payments and in light bulbs replacement, having in mind the impact on the global warming that by using this device can also be prevented.

An estimated 21 billion of IoT devices will be installed by 2020, given the current trends of installation. SmartSwitch can be one of them.


Top and bottom view, 3d rendering with Kicad

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