
14 - HaD prize results + Want to get a detector?

A project log for Open Radiation Detector

Quickly identify radioactive materials with a pocket-sized ion chamber. Built from standard parts for easy manufacture and low cost.

carlos-garcia-sauraCarlos Garcia Saura 11/13/2017 at 19:210 Comments

It was very rewarding to see our project reach the top 10 from the >1000 entries to the Hackaday prize :-)

Technology needs to be free for all, and this is only possible with a well motivated and supported community of makers. We are very grateful to Hackaday for organizing such a big contest to promote open projects. We are also thankful to the Open Source Hardware and Software Demonstration (OSHWDem) that took place La Coruña (Spain) this weekend, it also contributed to a great diffusion of the Open Radiation Detector and many other projects.

Thank you!


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