
Mocap as a sound controller

A project log for Motion Capture system that you can build yourself

An open hardware-software framework based on inertial sensors that anyone can use to build a human motion capture system.

bruno-laurencichBruno Laurencich 09/17/2018 at 09:000 Comments

Chordata was born several years ago with the idea of using it to create art from human motion. It took a long time of technical development, but now that the system is up and running we're having so much fun collaborating with several artists to test the possibilities of the system on different disciplines.

For example last weekend we were with our friends of Creative Coding Roma using the suit as a sound controller for Livecoding with Supercollider. Here's a little teaser of what we made:

Having the possibility of test it on real use cases and get feedback from real artists is invaluable to keep improving the usability and stability of the system!

A very special thank to Sergio and Valentina from Orange8, who provided us a really cool location in an old church for experimenting in Gaeta, Italy.


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