
The documentation is available!

A project log for Motion Capture system that you can build yourself

An open hardware-software framework based on inertial sensors that anyone can use to build a human motion capture system.

bruno-laurencichBruno Laurencich 10/21/2018 at 10:530 Comments

Dear hackers, we’re happy to inform you that after several weeks working on it, Chordata has its documentation available! Those of you who were eager to build your own motioncapture system, now have a dedicated learning material.

We choose to implement it as a wiki, since that type of content structure perfectly suits the Chordata philosophy: sharing and constructing knowledge together. So we’ll be glad to hear your suggestions, or receive your contributions to make a bigger and more useful knowledge base.

You can access the documentation at

A summary of the User Manual can be found on the instructions section of this project's page. And we have also uploaded here a pdf with a detailed description of how the Chordata system is implemented, it contains: parts specifications, functional diagrams, schematics, protocol descriptions, power considerations, and more. (We will be uploading that content to the wiki on the following days).

If you have no idea what the Chordata system is about you can just take a look to our new basic infographics.

Let us know what you think!


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