I finally have all the parts to start building a second and more complete version of the system. The PCBs, stencil, and components were already arrived some time ago, but the solder paste kept me waiting for a long time, if you want to hear the whole story, please refer to The solder paste odyssey.
If everything goes right I should be able to build at least twelve of the sensor nodes, and arrange my first whole-body capturing suit.
The problem: apart from the general refactoring that I’m performing on the code, I will have to implement the lecture of the LSM9DS1 instead of the LSM9DS0 from the previous board. Fortunately sparkfun offers a library for arduino, which can be easily adapted to this system
The real problem: home soldering 12 of these units with their tiny LGA packages, represents 12 one-shot opportunities... of getting it wrong.
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