
Hackaton postmortem

A project log for Motion Capture system that you can build yourself

An open hardware-software framework based on inertial sensors that anyone can use to build a human motion capture system.

bruno-laurencichBruno Laurencich 07/29/2018 at 14:450 Comments

The motion capture hackathon took place last week . It was great to see the Chordata system used on so many different projects!

Here's a quick recap of the work done:

Arianna: a great prototype for an easy low cost DIY sensor attachment suit.

Antonio: networking improvements. SBC as an access point.

Emanuele: 3D modelling in Blender with mocap

Lorenzo and Matteo: Mocap suit as musical controller in Max/MSP

Kine: thanks for soldering all those sensors!

Massimo and Sara: processing SDK foundations. This gives the user a simplified interface to work with the mocap information.

Mauro and Alexia: Mocap suit as a musical controller in a Supercollider

Stefano: Unity 3D integration. Making visuals to go with the music.

Andrea: Some mysterious project (as usual)

We gathered lots of information about bugs, and possible interface improvements!

Not to forget, of course... The winner of the hackathon by unanimous decision: Valerio and his dinosaur capturing tail prosthesis!!

Many thanks to all the partecipants. We had a great time!


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