
Chordata Motion’s software Roadmap v1.0 2020-2021

A project log for Motion Capture system that you can build yourself

An open hardware-software framework based on inertial sensors that anyone can use to build a human motion capture system.

bruno-laurencichBruno Laurencich 06/23/2020 at 08:380 Comments

Many changes have occurred in the Chordata Motion framework lately, and many will happen in order to achieve the complete and flexible motion capture solution we envision.

An initial milestone involves raising the funds through our upcoming Kickstarter campaign to create and produce the first production version hardware. Another important aspect of this system is software, and since this framework relies on many software pieces that interact to obtain the capture is easy for our users to loose track of all of them. That’s why we’ve been working on a revised plan that will allow everyone to have a clear view of the changes to come. You can see it here:

Of course, roadmaps in software (and in particular those of open source projects) are living documents. Things might change with time, redistribution of resources and -more importantly- your feedback, so please let us know your ideas using this thread of our forum. We are also continuously collecting feedback on all our communication channels.


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