
Reduce to the max

A project log for CarbOnBal

Arduino based carburetor and throttle body balancer / synchronizer

dennisdennis 10/25/2017 at 19:440 Comments

I've had comments from a few people who were interested in building CarbOnBal and noticed a theme emerging.

There are many people who'd like to build one for themselves but doubt their own soldering skills etc. I've thought about how to help them best and I think the answer is more simplification, not just a step by step guide.

To get to the point where as many people as reasonably possible will be able to build their own CarbOnBal units I've decided to focus development on a basic version first. Once that is achieved and people start building them I will look at implementing a more advanced version.

The first thing I'll do is use a serial I2C display module, eliminating the 74HC595 and associated wiring. This reduces the complexity as far as possible while still having a unit that can sync four carbs or throttle-bodies. The basic version will inherit all the functionality of the current prototype.

The later version will support 4-8 simultaneous connections and probably have a graphic display, lots of RAM, digital waveform diagnosis etc. 

The compromise this requires is that there will be no upgrade path from CarbOnBal-Basic to the advanced version. I will try to build a system to let two units wor in tandem though. I envision this as a master-slave setup to allow tuning up to 8 cylinders at once, albeit on two separate displays. 
