
CircuitPython library

A project log for Sig7Seg - controller for mechanical 7 segment

An i2c controller board for electromechanical seven segment displays like Signalex "02L" series flip displays

corey-bennCorey Benn 01/28/2019 at 23:370 Comments

I've started to play around with CircuitPython and figured it would be easy to port this library over, so I've now added that to the Github Sig7Seg-i2c-mpy repo. You can grab the source and examples, or the pre-built mpy file if you just need the library. Only used this on a Trinket M0 so far, but will try to make sure everything works from a MicroPython ESP8266 as well (it should, just might need a few more Adafruit libraries pushed to it). Welcome any feedback from those of you that have used CircuitPython more than I have. 
