Or why did I decide to build this thing the way I did. And how I could have built it differently — or maybe I will. Warning: long and somewhat rambling.
I have been thinking about building a handheld game console running Python ever since I saw the PyBoard for the first time. You know, there are not that many good choices for writing games in Python, even though it's an excellent beginner language. Somehow either there is no interest, or it's too much work with the way all of the Python's community is organized. I did some attempts of my own to scratch my own itch and fix some of the worst problems with PyGame — especially distributing the games you wrote — but with little success. Here we have a brand new community and no previous work in this area — so building something reasonable for MicroPython seeemed possible.
Unfortunately, at the time I could barely afford a single board, not to mention any kind of production of boards — that board was simply too expensive for my purposes. Things changed when MicroPython got ported to ESP8266 — finally a cheap and powerful platform — but I quickly saw the problems when I ran a couple of workshops with those boards. It's simply too difficult to get them running, with serial drivers, sending files over serial, the ridiculous webrepl thing, etc. Nevertheless I started working towards the goal of being able to write games for it: I implemented the missing hardware SPI for ESP8266, a number of display drivers, a number of improvements for the framebuf module. But the progress was painfully slow, mostly due to the hostility of the lead developer of that port. I quickly became discouraged.
The port of CircuitPython to the SAMD21 microcontroller gave me new hope. Finally you can just see the thing as an USB drive, copy files over normally, no need for some silly drivers, and you can even have some extra memory storage. But the Adafruit boards were not cheap, and all the drivers and tools had to be written again. I still started to use them in my robots, and started working on the #PewPew FeatherWing — not really yet thinking about "real" games, just about some educational tool. I got seed funding for it from the Hackaday Prize, and I decided to spend that money trying to drive the cost of the whole device down. The most expensive component, by far, was the Feather board it required — so I looked into integrating it into a single device. I have built a lot of prototypes, initially copying the Adafruit schematics for the Trinket M0, and then extending and modifying that. You can follow most of that process on PewPew's project logs. But in the process I became familiar with that microcontroller, I realized that the microcontroller itself is relatively cheap (around $3), and that there will be absolutely no problem adding the C code I need to the CircuitPython repositiories. In fact, I already added a "gamepad" module there, which I needed for proper handling of buttons.
So I revived my old dream, and when I saw a number of different handhelds here on hackaday.io, including the #LAMEBOY, #Game-o-Tron Mini and especially #Game65, I decided to give it a try. The prize has ended and I needed some break from PewPew anyways (but I'm not abandoning it).
I decided on a number of constraints:
- has to use commonly available components,
- has to be smaller than 5×5cm, for cheap PCB manufacturing,
- has to use a color display,
- possibly cheap,
- four direction buttons and at least two fire buttons (accept, back),
- USB interface,
- using the SAMD21 microcontroller,
- running a basic sprites-and-tiles engine,
- nice to have: sound, battery charging,
For display, I basically had three choices among the commonly available modules: ST7735S, SSD1331 and SSD1351. The last two are very nice OLED displays — which gives me good angles and low power consumption — but they are relatively expensive, and require some scary electonics like voltage booster, so I would need to use them as modules with all the stuff already included — around $20 a piece. The ST7735 display, on the other hand, can be found for less than $3, has reasonable angles if mounted correctly, and can be driven quite fast over the SPI. And doesn't require any extra parts, except maybe for a current-limiting resistor for the backlight. So I went with that.
The choice of display pretty much determined the shape of the console. It was too big to try to go with the horizontal orientation — that left me with the Game Boy layout, with width of the display and height of the 5cm maximum. I used the smallest buttons I had available at the time — same as the ones used for reset on Pro Mini boards — and I had to arrange them in a swastika shape to make them fit in the limited space. But I also realized that I can fit most of the SMD parts on the same side of the board, so I tried hard to do that. I almost succeeded, with just the speaker and the power and reset switches being on the back. I never actually fabricated the first version of the PCB — I let it sit there for a few days, and I was still wondering whether I'm ready for this project.
Then I got some more inspiration, cleaned up a few things and created version 2, which I ordered from OSHPark. A big part in this had the fact that I just received another coupon from OSHPark, and they promised to upgrade the shipping on my order. If not the generosity of OSHPark, I would be probably still sitting on the board designs.
The board arrived, and I assembled it. There were some problems with it, like the power shorted to the ground by a button pad, but nothing a sharp knife and some wire couldn't fix. I had a first working board, and I needed some way to test it. Since I already had some games for PewPew, I quickly adapted its library to use the display, and had Snake and Tetris running on it!
But even this initial code showed a problem that I will be probably struggling with in this project for a while. The SPI peripheral on the SAMD21 chip runs at most with a 12MHz clock. Image data requires 2 bytes per pixel, and the display has resolution of 128×128. That means that updating the whole screen takes considerable time — enough to be noticeable, especially since there is not double-buffering, so you see all the screen updates as they happen, pixel-by-pixel. My previous test were done on the ESP8266, which had a 80MHz SPI, with the possibility to switch it to 160MHz — that was already too fast for this display, though.
But I decided to give it a try anyways, and tried to write a software library that would give me the sprites and tiles I wanted, with the possibility of only updating small parts of the screen, as needed. I initially wrote it in Python, using all the tricks I could think of. And it worked reasonably well with a few 16×16 pixel sprites on the screen. Updating the whole screen took some time, but once that was drawn, you didn't have to update it — at least for the games that I had in mind. When I rewrote the important parts in C, even the whole-screen updates became reasonably fast — not instant, but also not very bad.
Here's an opportunity for potential improvement: I'm using the display in 8-bit SPI mode, because that's the easiest to program and also the modules that I had only had those pins broken out. But it is possible to use a 20-pin version of this display, and use the 8-bit parallel mode to send the data. With the same clock that would be 8× faster. And I think that the SAMD21 might even have some DMA mode for this kind of thing. Of course that would mean a considerable modification both to the software and the hardware, at a level that I'm not yet very comfortable with. I still have the 20-pin version of the module in my drawer, and I just ordered an adapter for it, so I might give it a try at some point.
After testing the first (second) version of the device, I started designing the third. The actual viewport of the screen wasn't centered, so I made the board a little wider at 42×50mm — exactly the same dimensions as the Micro:bit. I moved the power and reset buttons to that narrow strip by the display, which allowed me to fit everything on one side finally (except for the battery, of course). I used the coupon and upgraded shipping again, which means I had the board next week.
Version four followed shortly. The speaker I used turned to be too weak, so I stole the amplifier circuit from the CircuitPlayground Express schematic, and moved the fire buttons to make room for it. Also, the tiny 4×4mm speakers arrived, so I used them. I did some experimenting with the battery charging circuit, trying to make it possible to charge the battery while the device was switched off but connected to USB. That backfired on me, since the charging LED was now always on, even with the switch off and device disconnected from USB — which didn't bode well for the battery. However, I was happy enough with this version, that after just reverting the charging to Adafruit's original schematic, I ordered ten boards of the version five.
Version five PCB was ordered in China, and it took some time for it to arrive — but that is fine, because I had a two-week vacation in the mean time. I only did some little work on the firmware during that time. Finally the boards arrived, and within a few days also all the parts needed for them. So I assembled six of them (scavenging displays from the old versions) and I sent them to some people who I wanted to give me their opinion on this. The packages are still in transit.
I have a version six PCB ordered right now. It has a few improvements with fabrication in mind: better mounting holes, more distance between components, buttons all aligned at the same angle. It also has the audio circuit moved in place of the charging circuit, and vice versa, because turns out that touching the amplifier input with your fingers is not good for sound quality for some reason. The board also has doodles on it, inspired by some designs I saw in the mean time. Oh, and this version actually connects the CS pin of the display, because it turns out to be necessary for some of them (but not all, weirdly enough).
There has been some improvements in software too, mostly driven by the game I wrote for the 40th Ludum Dare challenge. I also hit another limitation of the SAMD21 chip here: limited RAM. I had to compile the game into bytecode to make it fit.
Which leads to the next possible improvement: SAMD51. That's an ARM Cortex-m4 microcontroller, freshly released by Atmel, with whooping 256MB of RAM, and only $2 more expensive than the SAMD21. And CircuitPython is getting ported on that even as we speak. No 32-pin TQFP package, though, so I might need to redesign the board completely if I decide to switch. Together with the parallel protocol for the display, that would make the perfect console for me — I might even be able to do scrolling. But this is potentially a lot of work and unknown unknowns, so who knows when it might happen.
This is also one of the reasons why I'm hesitating from fabricating and selling this. I know that a lot of people would love to get their hands on it, especially if I managed to keep it cheap, but I don't want to be stuck with a stock of obsolete devices when a new version comes.
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A czemu by nie uzyc jakiejs taniej kosci fpga? (jest tu trochę różnych projektów)
albo po prostu zx80 8088 lub wyzsze.
Swego czasu polska firma robila podobne procesory na ktorych dzialalby cp/m i mnostwo gier. Mozna do nich uderzyc i mialbys sponsora ;-)
ew. postarac sie polaczyc dwa procesory i je wylaczac by oszczedzic prad.
pamietam digoo to maszyna, ktora jednak miala duzy power, do tego mozna bylo miec cos na wzor karty graficznej , duzo mozna wycisnac z procesora, ale to musi byc dobry procesor. fpga to jakies 100Mhz, ale da sie zawrzec duzo kodu juz w samym procesorze.,
moglbys pracowac z kims, a czlowiek jeszcze by sie cieszyl, ze ktos tego uzywa.
sprzet by sie nie starzal, no i komunikacja ... chocby irda lub kamera jak w timexach
zobacz na maszyne epiphany parallela
to 16 rdzeniowy procesor i dolaczony do niego arm z linuxem . polaczenie tego jest trudne i .... wlasnie male fpga laczy obie te architektury. 8088 mozesz o nim myslec jak o koprocesorze (do sukcesu trzeba gier) to samo z fpga, nawet ktos emulator amigi napisal na fpga.
256M ramu jest na pewno wazne. szczegolnie jak jest kolor, ale obawiam sie, ze predkosc ekranu jest za mala. Zadam inne pytanie. Jesli bym wyswietlal tekst scrollowany to ile moge wyciagnac klatek?
jest duzo chetnych zobacz https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/954662076/gameshell-redefine-retro-game-console i ile osob juz kupilo.
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