

A project log for Micro:Boy

Arcade games on the Micro:bit

dehipudeʃhipu 01/25/2018 at 22:360 Comments

So I got that Boulder Dash game as far as I can, working around the ridiculously low memory of Micro:bit, and I think I won't be able to go further. This platform is simply too puny.

I have an animated player character digging tunnels, and I have boulders that block his way and fall into empty space you dig under them. And I can't add even a single line of code without getting a MemoryError.

What I would need to make it a playable game at a minimum? Well, rocks need to slip sideways when on top of other rocks, and there have to be gems to collect — then I could design some logic levels, at least. If I managed to also add monsters, it could be a fun arcade game. This is the code I have so far:

from microbit import i2c, running_time, sleep, pin1, pin2

class Boy:
    def __init__(self, delay=100):
        b = bytearray
        self.buffer = b(1024 + 1)
        self.dmin = b([0] * 8)
        self.dmax = b([128] * 8)
        i2c.init(freq=400000, scl=pin2, sda=pin1)
            i2c.write(0x3c, b'')
            b'\xdb\x40\xa4\xa6\xaf') = running_time() + delay
        self.delay = delay
    def buttons():
        return, 1)[0]

    def tick(self):
        sleep( - running_time()) += self.delay

    def update(self):
        c = bytearray(4)
        b = self.buffer
        i = 0
        for p in range(8):
            dmin = self.dmin[p]
            dmax = self.dmax[p]
            if dmax:
                c[1] = 0xb0 | p
                c[2] = 0x00 | ((2 + dmin) & 0x0f)
                c[3] = 0x10 | ((2 + dmin) >> 4) & 0x0f
                i2c.write(0x3c, c)
                l = b[i + dmin:i + dmax + 1]
                l[0] = 0x40
                i2c.write(0x3c, l)
            i += 128
            self.dmax[p] = 0
            self.dmin[p] = 127

    def blit(self, x, y, data, mask=b''):
        if not 0 <= x < 120:
        b = self.buffer
        p = y // 8
        s = y % 8
        if 0 <= p <= 7:
            i = x + 128 * p + 1
            for a in mask:
                b[i] &= ~(a << s)
                i += 1
            i = x + 128 * p + 1
            for a in data:
                b[i] ^= a << s
                i += 1
            self.dmin[p] = min(self.dmin[p], x)
            self.dmax[p] = max(self.dmax[p], x + 8)
        p += 1
        if 0 <= p <= 7 and s:
            s = 8 - s
            i = x + 128 * p + 1
            for a in mask:
                b[i] &= ~(a >> s)
                i += 1
            i = x + 128 * p + 1
            for a in data:
                b[i] ^= a >> s
                i += 1
            self.dmin[p] = min(self.dmin[p], x)
            self.dmax[p] = max(self.dmax[p], x + 8)

boy = Boy()
MAN_MASK = b'0\xfe\xff\xff\xff\xff\xfe0'
DIRT = b'\x8a \x05P\x05 \x8a '
DARK = b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
ROCK_MASK = b'<~\xff\xff\xff\xff~<'
ROCK = b'\x004Z>V*\x14\x00'
dirt = bytearray(16)
for y in range(8):
    for x in range(16):
        boy.blit(x * 8, y * 8, DIRT)
rocks = {(0, 0), (3, 3), (3, 4), (5, 2), (10, 1)}
for x, y in rocks:
    boy.blit(x * 8, y * 8, ROCK, ROCK_MASK)
x, y = 0, 8
dx = dy = steps = 0
while True:
    key = boy.buttons()
    if steps == 0:
        dirt[x // 8] |= 1 << (y // 8)
        dx = dy = 0
        if key & 4 and x < 120:
            dx = 1
        elif key & 16 and x > 0:
            dx = -1
        elif key & 32 and y < 56:
            dy = 1
        elif key & 8 and y > 0:
            dy = -1
        if (x // 8 + dx, y // 8 + dy) in rocks:
            dx = dy = 0
        if dx or dy:
            steps = 7
        steps -= 1
    x += dx
    y += dy
    man = (b'\x00\x10z>:~ \x00', b'\x00 \x1a~z>\x10\x00')[(steps // 2) % 2]
    if dx + dy > 0:
        man = bytes(reversed(man))
    for rx, ry in list(rocks):
        if dirt[rx] & (1 << (ry + 1)) and not (
                (y // 8 == ry + 1) and
                (rx * 8 - 6 <= x <= rx * 8 + 6)
            ) and (rx, ry + 1) not in rocks:
            dirt[rx] |= 1 << ry
            boy.blit(rx * 8, ry * 8, DARK, ROCK_MASK)
            boy.blit(rx * 8, ry * 8 + 8, ROCK, ROCK_MASK)
            rocks.remove((rx, ry))
            rocks.add((rx, ry + 1))
    boy.blit(x, y, man, MAN_MASK)
    boy.blit(x, y, DARK, MAN_MASK)

It's not the most readable code possible, you have to admit, but it works. I guess if I completely skipped animations, and made things jump by full tiles, then I could save some memory... 


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