
Schematics Complete!

A project log for Cheap FPGA-based HDMI Experimenting Board

A (relatively) cheap little board for experimenting with HDMI using a Spartan-6 FPGA

tom-mcleodTom McLeod 08/21/2014 at 03:260 Comments

The schematics for the project are finished now and will be posted for all to see soon! Work is currently being done on the PCB layout, with the power supply fully routed. The DDR interface to the RAM is the next step and is quite difficult (particularly due to quirks in the KiCAD software currently being used). Depending on the difficulty of the routing another software may need to be used down the line, though for now I'm trying to keep to KiCAD so that anyone can view the entire project without needing special software. Though if another software is used for the PCB routing the schematics will always be kept up to date in KiCAD.
