
Heating Automation With JavaScript

My current heating system sucks. Going to make it better.

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I live in a rented house and my current heating system isn't great. The timer on the boiler is only a 24h clock and I have a feeling the thermostat temperature is wrong. This combination means that I often wake up on the weekend to a cold house.

A friend has a similar system, but the timer is broken. He told me how he controls it with a servo and an Arduino. I'm setting out to do a similar setup, but I'd also like to hook it into my home automation bot, as well as making it a bit smarter.

Also I like JavaScript and seeing what I can do with it, so I'll be using JavaScript to write the code.

Thermostat controller.stl

Wheel and cover to sit on the thermostat. The wheel will sit on the dial itself, a servo will attach to the wheel and then will sit inside the cover.

- 14.34 kB - 11/01/2017 at 21:39


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